Let’s Start the Party” – Christ Lutheran Church VBS
Join the Fun – May 28 – 31, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. – Noon each day.
Friday lunch will be served to the children.
Parents, Grandparents, Family and Friends are all invited to the children’s VBS program Friday at 12:30 p.m.

Let’s Start the Party!
Jesus gives us the most amazing reason to party.
That’s why we believe God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus is the best news ever. Celebrate the good news of Jesus with us during the 4 days of VBS.
Start the Party – VBS theme teaches kids about: Friendship, Belonging, Forgiveness, Abundant life and Purpose.
Children ages 3 yrs. old – 5th grade are welcome!

Volunteers are the secret sauce!
There are a few elements that help make a great VBS, the most important one is we need YOU!
Please see Taryn Wright or contact her at (303) 808-0885 to volunteer your time during the 4 days of VBS. This is a perfect way for students to get some community service hours.
If you are unable to help during the week of VBS, there is a list of donations needed on the table inside the fellowship hall, monetary donations are welcome too.
VBS Registration Form is attached please return to the church.