Please click the link below to view the SIxteenth Sunday after Pentecost / 9-12-21 Worship Message.
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, Sept. 12 – 16th Sun after Pentecost
Is. 50:4–10, Psalm 116:1–9
James 3:1–12, Mark 9:14–29
Rally Day / Games / Potluck Dinner
ABC – Coffee Fellowship 10:00 am
Worship 10:30 am
Installation of Sunday School Teachers 10:30 am
Handing out of Bibles 1st Gr.& Bibles / Catechisms to 5th Gr.
Monday Sept. 13Pastor Winkel Mtg 9 am
ABC Board Mtg. 6 pm
Annual Budget & Election of Officers Mtg. 7 pm
Tuesday Sept. 14New Hope School Chapel 8 am
Wednesday Sept. 15Men’s Bible Study 8 am
7&8 Confirmation 5:30 pm
Choir Practice 6 pm
Thursday Sept. 16Pastor Mtg. LLC 10:00 am
Friday Sept. 17
Saturday Sept. 18
Sunday, Sept. 19 – 17th Sun after Pentecost
Jer. 11:18–20, Psalm 54
James 3:13—4:10, Mark 9:30–37
Junk Jaunt Set Up VOLUNTEERS Needed
Immediately follow worship – Bring your work clothes
Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 9 am
LYF – Coffee Fellowship 10:00 am
Ladies Aid mtg. In the Fellowship Hall 10 am
Worship w/Communion 10:30 am
Installation of Sunday School Teachers 10:30 am
Handing out of Bibles 1st Gr.& Bibles / Catechisms to 5th Gr.
**Sunday School Offerings for the 2021/2022 will go towards the Cairo Community Food Pantry. Each Sunday the Children are asked to bring their money offering or a nonperishable food item.
SAVE the DATE GriefShare at Trinity GI Sept. 23
Junk Jaunt Food Fundraiser Sept. 24-26
Ladies Aid Breakfast Burrito Fundraiser Sunday Oct. 3
Ladies Aid Harvest Dinner Fundraiser Nov. 7
Middle School Youth Gathering Nov. 13-14
2022 Spring Pastor Conf. Kearney March 14-15
2022 NE Dist. Convention Kearney June 24-25
2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Houston TX July 9-13
9/16/1995 Darren & Charity Adams (26)
9/16/1978 Loren & Julie Dibbern and (43)
9/17/1983 Craig & Lora Harders (38)
9/17/1950 Russel & Charlene Lemburg (71)
9/13 Peggy Hadenfeldt
9/13 Kalli Knuth
9/14 Madelyn Hadenfeldt
9/15 Robert Gilbert
9/16 Elizabeth DeFreece
9/16 Kendal Knuth
9/16 Ben Serr
9/17 Loren Dibbern
9/17 Shawn Harders
Prayers for Dan Dibbern recovering at home.
Please keep Mark Lammers, Peg Lemburg’s brother in law in your prayers, recoverying from his heart and kidney transplant surgery.
Prayers for Sue Rasmussen, Sue is recovering from surgery.
Prayers for Jan Leth Johnson, Rick Leth & Rhonda Goodman’s Sister. Jan in in Bryan West Lincoln NE
Prayers for Matt Johnson, Rick Leth & Rhonda Goodman’s brother-in-law. Matt is recovering from a heart attack and surgery for stints.
Prayers for Jo Ella Ruhter, Kellie Harder’s mom, Jo Ella fell and underwent surgery last week.
Suffering from Cancer
Cheryl Klock, Julie Whitefoot’s Sister
Dawnasie Martin, Marcus Nation Sister
Shirley Adams
Spencer Braun, Pastor Brian’s cousin
Helen Brandt, Beth Ann (ABC) Brandt’s Mother
Bill Kerr, Father of Taryn Wright’s Friend
Gene Pesek, Brother-in-Law to Catherine Garrett & Jim Schultz
Jerry Volquardsen, step brother to Rick Leth & Rhonda Goodman
Vikki Hickock, long time resident of Cairo
Volunteers are NEEDED – for Junk Jaunt Food Fundraiser
Plan NOW to help Thurs. Sept. 23 – Sun. 26
Need volunteers for pie makers, Thursday sack fillers, Thursday outside setup, Friday, and Saturday helpers (even for a couple of hours), Sunday cleanup after church. Please see Gary Harders for outside help and Peg Lemburg for everything else.
Junk Jaunt Scheduled
Sunday September 19 after church
• Mark Vendor Lots
• Set Up Fence Panels
• Take Inventory of Supplies
Thursday September 23
• 9:00 a.m. Set Up Tents / Serving Area / Tables
• 9:00 a.m. Assemble Meal Deal Sack & Wrap Brownies
Friday Sept. 24 & Saturday Sept. 25
• Serve Food Both Days
Sunday September 26 after church
• Tear Down Tents & Tables
• Clean up Vendor Area
• Inventory & Store Junk Jaunt Supplies
Would you like a piece of CLC History?
Some of the old bricks from the bell tower renovation were saved. All FREE WILL donations for the bricks will go towards the Stained-Glass Window Fund.
Stained-Glass Window Fundraiser
You have an opportunity to purchase a pane of the stained-glass design through an envelope donation system. Envelopes with donation suggestions have been placed on the standing bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Please take an envelope of the donation desired and place in the offering plate. Some envelopes at the end have no designated amount allowing you to donate a desired amount.
Thanks for your donations to this worthy cause!!
Ladies Aid Breakfast Burrito Fundraiser
Ladies Aid Meeting Sunday Sept. 19 at 10 am in fellowship hall.
Plan to attend the Breakfast Burritos fundraiser Sunday October 3 during coffee hour. Proceeds will go towards Heartland Lutheran assessment. Mary Harders will take orders for those who want to take some home.
Women’s Bible Study
Calling all ladies! Are you needing some good time in the Word? Are you missing quality time with your sisters in Christ? Please consider joining our women’s bible studies. We will be offering a daytime group, Weds. Mornings at 10:00 a.m. and an evening group Tuesday Evenings at 6 p.m. Please contact Taryn Wright or Jenny Reynolds if you are interested.
Christ Lutheran Church
Cairo, NE
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24