Dear Christ Lutheran Church,
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and recommendations by the CDC, DHHS and our LCMS President Harrison, the Board of Elders and Pastor have decided that the church office will be closed and there will be no in person worship services held here through Sunday, March 29, 2020.
All other extra activities, such as Sunday School; Bible Studies, Sunday morning or Weekday; Weds Lenten Dinners & Worship and Confirmation class will not be held during this time period.
8th Grade Confirmation students and parents, Pastor will be in touch with you by telephone during this time, in preparation for Confirmation Sunday on April 5th. It is our hope that this is only a 2 week time period, but please keep in mind this time may be extended longer.
We are working on a way to make worship services available to you all. It is our hope that Pastor Brian’s sermon will be available via the church website http://www.christlutheranchurchcairo.com
and in your email. The Order of Service, Holy Scripture Readings and Prayers will be emailed to you and also posted to the church website and Facebook page. If you know of any member of our congregation that does not have access to email and/or the internet please let them know that there will be a few printed copies of the services here at church. They are welcome to stop by and pick them up or Lisa can mail those out to them. Pastor Brian will be happy to meet with them and deliver the printed services if needed.
If you are in need of any Pastoral Care (Prayer needs; Private confession or even Family Communion) during this time, please contact Pastor and he will set up a time to meet with you.
Thank you for understanding and please know this was not an easy decision to make but it is important to follow the lead of those who know more about this disease.
In God’s Name We Pray,
Christ Lutheran Church
Cairo, NE
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24